Sweet Home 3D 5.2

Sweet Home 3D - программа, предназначенная для проектирования интерьера. Sweet Home 3D поможет вам виртуально расставить мебель по комнатам вашего дома, выбирая наиболее удачное расположение элементов интерьера. Во время работы можно использовать 3D-модели, которые в большом количестве представлены на официальном сайте и доступны для бесплатной загрузки. Sweet Home 3D дает возможность предварительного просмотра интерьера в 2D (вид сверху), а также может визуализировать конечный вариант расстановки мебели в 3D.

Sweet Home 3D доступен на Русском, Английском, Французском, Португальском, Итальянском, Немецком, Испанском, Шведском, Чешском, Польском и Венгерском языках
ОС: Windows All
Что нового в этой версии:
- Added Invisible option to the Furniture materials pane to hide some parts of a piece of furniture.
- Made resizing of a piece of furniture with its resize indicator proportional when shift key is pressed.
- Moved the viewport of the plan only when selected objects become invisible at screen when they are moved with the keyboard.
- Changed the width of the rectangle of doors and windows in the plan to take into account the width of their doorOrWindowCutOutShape property when it's smaller.
- Added com.eteks.sweethome3d.resolutionScale system property to apply a scale factor to the user interface of Sweet Home 3D.
- Added a Java Web Start version able to display the user interface of Sweet Home 3D at a twice larger size for users with HiDPI screens under Windows and Linux.
- Added samplerAlgorithm and filter properties to the renderer properties that can be set for Sunflow.
- Fixed a bug that could enlarge uselessly the size of a SH3D file when the texture of a material was set to its default value or reused on an other object.
- Ensured walls created by Plan > Split wall menu item are at the same level as the split wall.
- Replaced visual properties set on a Home instance with simple String properties (developers are encouraged to replace calls to the deprecated getVisualProperty and setVisualProperty on a Home instance, by calls to getProperty and setProperty, because future file format might not save visual properties anymore).
- New icon and logo designed by madudesign.
- Modified installer program to delete old JREs at the end of installation process under Windows.
- Updated the digital signature used to signed the application with a SHA-2 signature.
- Replaced JRE 8u60 by JRE 8u74 in Sweet Home 3D installers bundled with Java under Windows.
- Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.

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Большое человеческое спасибо!!!!!!!!!!!