
BSPlayer Pro 2.34 Build 980 Special Christmas Edition

BSPlayer Pro Special Christmas Edition - профессиональная версия мультимедийного проигрывателя с поддержкой скинов. BSPlayer позволяет воспроизводить почти все современные видеоформаты. Весьма непритязателен к аппаратным ресурсам. Поддерживает скины, плей-листы и субтитры (сделанные практически во всех известных программах), временную коррекцию субтитров, масштабирование изображения, внешние источники звука и S/PDIF выход для AC3 файлов. Имеется также поддержка Pan-scan (стандартный и ручной режимы), функция progressive rendering, позволяющая избавиться от выпадания кадров, захват кадров, эквалайзер, поддержка IR дистанционных пультов управления (WinLIRC), закладок и ускоренного/замедленного просмотра.

Имеет достаточно мощный в функциональном плане потенциал: воспроизведение всех популярных аудио и видео форматов (в том числе и DVD); трансляция интернет телевидения и радио; поддержка субтитров; полностью настраиваемый интерфейс; мультиязычность; приличный набор настроек…

Christmas BS.Player 2.34 is OUT!

New BS.Player special Christmas edition includes new functionality – it will play YouTube videos directly from the net and it can save these videos to your hard-drive as flv files for later playback. Now you can download all of your favorite YouTube videos directly to your computer simply by using BS.Player. New and improved chapters feature includes visual display of video chapters with thumbnail preview for each chapter – navigate through chapters with just one mouse click! Furthermore, a special Christmas BS.Player skin is available, just to get you in the mood for the best holiday season of the year!

We have just made it in time for holidays!

New BS.Player 2.34.980 features:


- added support for global multimedia keys (active even when BS.Player window is not active)
- added proxy settings to codec manager (found in Codec manager>Proxy configuration)
- added support for HD YouTube videos (only in PRO)

- aspect ratio problem with EVR renderer
- custom subtitle position with EVR renderer
- movie settings (position) were not remembered in some cases, fixed
- in some cases chapters were not properly detected in MKV files, fixed
- problem with ML on secondary monitors

- Youtube playback, also it's now possible to seek within stream
- radio refresh speed in ML
- key definitions set for windowed mode are now automatically assigned to full screen mode.

BS.Player - the best multimedia player (DivX, HD and AVC video, movie, audio, DVD) in the world!
BS.Player ™ is used by more than 70 millions of multi media users throughout the world and it has been translated into more than 90 world languages. All downloaded versions of our FREE version exceed the sum of all downloads of competitive media players and payable DivX or DVD players. Because it does not use much of the CPU processing resources for multimedia playback it is suitable for all those who use slightly less capable computers. Now, you can finally enjoy the playback of HD DVD and AVCHD movies of the highest quality with minimal system requirements. BS.Player can playback any YouTube movie directly from the internet and save it to local disk.
Most importantly, BS.Player ™, a free media movie player, is a product for the world multi media market and is therefore equipped with a advanced subtitle options which enable the users to watch video content with subtitles from many popular subtitle formats (MicroDVD .sub, VobSub .sub + .idx, SubViewer .sub, (Advanced) SubStation Alpha .ssa or .ass, SubRip .srt, VPlayer .txt...). BS.Player is also a AVCHD player and enables you to display AVCHD video format movies (Advanced Video Codec High Definition) used in digital tapeless camcorders.
BS.Player ™ is the software movie and media player that supports all popular video and audio media file types, containers and formats such as:
DivX, Xvid, avi, mpg, mpeg-1, mpeg-2, mpeg-4, 3ivx, YouTube streaming video, AVC HD (avchd player), QT QuickTime mov, RM Real media, OGM, Matroska , mkv, asf, wmv, DV, m1v, m2v, mp4, mpv, swf, vob and wav, mpa, mp1, mp2, mp3, Ogg, aac, DTS, Dolby Surround, Dolby digital DD 5.1 - AC3, aif, ram, wma, flv (Flash and YouTube Video) and much more!


Скачать BSPlayer Pro 2.34 Build 980 Special Christmas Edition (8,7 МБ):

duykarev 16/12/08 Просмотров: 2238
Appraiser74 20 декабря 2009, 18:31:37
Очччень Жаль!!!

Класный плеер , но под Vista x64 работать отказался!