Данные и диски

WebDrive 8.22.2090

С помощью WebDrive можно подключаться к любому FTP серверу как к локальный диску и выполнять файловые операции (copy, xcopy, менять атрибуты и т.п.) с помощью Проводника Windows, окна DOS или любой другой программы, например MS Word, Excel, и т.п. Возможна работа с WebDAV, FTP и HTTP серверами, поддерживающими Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions. WebDrive работает не только напрямую, но и через прокси, есть поддержка SSL и SSH.

Security Features

WebDrive has built-in support for the industry standard SSL protocol. When used in conjunction with secure WebDAV, FTP, FTPS, or SFTP servers, WebDrive will open an encrypted tunnel between the client computer and the remote server; giving you secure transmission of critical data over the Internet. WebDrive can also be used as an alternative to a corporate VPN. Install the WebDrive client and an SSL enabled server, and WebDrive can act as the VPN for your company; an efficient alternative to an expensive VPN and non-secure FTP client connections.

WebDrive Site Manager

Use the site manager to define the servers you wish to map to drive letters. Enter the server URL and your username and password and press "connect," to map the selected drive letter to your server. You can map different directories on the same server to unique drive letters. This provides easier access to frequently updated directories. You can also map unique drive letters to different server types - one drive to an SFTP server, one to a WebDAV server and another to an FTP or FTPS server. You can also map a drive to Amazon Web Services. This is functionality not available in typical FTP software.


WebDrive supports WebDAV, the Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning protocol. WebDAV enables collaboration on a centrally located set of files. WebDAV is also more firewall friendly than other protocols. By mapping a drive letter to a WebDAV server, WebDrive allows you to lock files, modify them, and then release the locks so that others can view and edit. By using WebDAV locking concepts, WebDrive ensures data integrity.
Because WebDrive can connect to FTP, FTPS, SFTP, S3 and WebDAV servers, users can store, access and collaborate on files in many locations – though the familiar interface of a drive letter.
For a complete WebDAV collaboration solution, please see our GroupDrive product page.

Internet-Enable any Application

Instantly Internet-enable any application. Use WebDrive to manipulate files on your server with your favorite applications. For example, you can use Microsoft Backup to create backups of your web site, by simply selecting the drive letter to be backed up.

DOS/Legacy Support (Command Line)

Once WebDrive has mapped a drive to your server, you can access it like a local drive. Use a DOS-prompt to use commands such as, copy, xcopy, mkdir, dir, move, etc.


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Теги FTP
duykarev 15/11/08 Просмотров: 2328