
Babylon Pro 7.0.3 (r26) + Dictionaries


Babylon - словарь, позволяющий переводить слова с одного языка на другой. Работать со словарем очень просто: после нажатия кнопкой мыши на интересующее слово появляется окно с его переводом. Кроме перевода слов, Babylon включает в себя английские тематические и толковые словари, а также имеет функции конвертирования валют на текущую дату и перевода мер из одной системы в другую. Кроме словаря, который можно использовать в любое время, при онлайн-работе (т.е. во время подключения к Интернету) Babylon позволяет воспользоваться огромными базами данных, сосредоточенными в таких глоссариях, как Britannica, Amazon, Accuweather и др.

Babylon 7 is the world's leading dictionary and language translation software. Babylon offers you the most intuitive tool for all your translation needs. With Babylon you can quickly translate emails, web pages, documents, instant messages, and more. All you have to do is click on the word or text that you want to translate and a small window instantly appears with the desired results from Babylon's extensive database of language dictionaries, glossaries and conversion tools.

Babylon offers its users a wide range of titles from the world's premier publishing houses including Oxford University Press, Britannica, Merriam-Webster, Larousse, Vox, Langenscheidt, Pons, and Taishukan. New version Babylon six offers text translation in 17 languages in addition to single word and phrase translations - all in a single click, results from Wikipedia encyclopedia in nine languages, automatic spelling feature, and accurate results in a single-click from a wide range of authoritative sources.



Babylon 7 - an easy and intuitive translation and dictionary software in over 75 languages. With Babylon 7, text translation has never been easier, no more "copy/paste" or unnecessary browser windows. Just click on any text in Word, Excel, emails, instant messaging, web pages and other desktop applications. All you need is a single click away.

Babylon 7 features

  • Single Click activation
  • Text translation - in 17 languages
  • Results from the world's leading publishers
  • Encyclopedias including Wikipedia content
  • Translations in more than 75 languages
  • Unit Conversions - Convert currencies, measurements and time
  • Writing Tools for English
  • Spelling Alternatives
  • Technical Requirement

Single Click Activation
Babylon online dictionary is a simple and intuitive tool operated by a single click. Just click on any text written in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, emails, web pages, instant messages or any other desktop application. A small window will instantly appear containing the translation results, as well as any information or conversion that you require. You can also easily copy/paste to and from Babylon. Actually, once installed in your computer, Babylon will become a powerful and innovative reference tool of easy use that will allow you immediate online access to dictionaries and encyclopedias covering all topics and themes.

Text Translation
Text translations in 17 languages, all in a single click. Text translation has never been easier; no need for additional browsers or copy/paste. Just click any word in the text you want to translate and Babylon will automatically identify the inserted text passage and translate it. Despite the fact, that no machine translation is 100% accurate or delivers results equal to human translation, this great new feature, based on the most advanced text translation technology, helps you understand texts in languages you are less familiar with.

Babylon's text translation is available in the following languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Hebrew, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, Russian, Korean, Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Polish and Ukrainian.

Results from the world's leading publishers
Get single click results from the world's leading dictionaries and encyclopedias for a small additional fee. Babylon offers its users a wide range of titles from the world's premier publishing houses: Britannica, Oxford, Merriam Webster, Pons, Larousse, Langenscheidt, Taishukan, Michaelis, Van-Dale and many more. View a list of all the dictionaries and encyclopedias that Babylon offers.

Wikipedia content
Babylon online dictionary's single click intuitive technology now offers its users results from Wikipedia, The Web Free Encyclopedia, a multilingual web-based encyclopedia in 13 languages covering more than 2.2 million articles and definitions that are constantly updated according to the current events and science latest innovations. The combined use of online applications such as Babylon and Wikipedia, are today imperative tools for pupils, students and professional translators.

Translation in more than 75 languages
Babylon's translation and dictionary software offers results from a database of 1,300 sources in more than 75 languages. The database includes 25 professional dictionaries in 13 languages developed by Babylon's own linguistic team: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Hebrew, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, Russian, Korean and Swedish. In fact, Babylon has developed a unique instant computerized translation tool that will eventually replace your traditional printed dictionaries, offering an immediate and online access to Internet information sources and a wide range of online dictionaries and glossaries that are constantly updated.

Units & Measures Conversion
Babylon converts currencies, measurements and time-units, just click on any value in any desktop application to get instant conversions. Babylon online dictionary will automatically identify the required conversion type, based on unit symbols that appear next to the numbers. There is no more need to contact the bank or surf the web, an advanced conversion technology will allow you to find out online, at a single click, actual timetables and currency values, which are automatically updated on a daily basis.

Writing Tools for English
In addition to text translation, Babylon online dictionary also offers its users tools for finding the exact word they are looking for and guarantee a correct verbal conjugation. Given that many words may be translated in several ways, Babylon enables its users to see each possible translation with its equivalent translation, in the user's native language. Babylon also shows all possible conjugations, enabling thus the correct usage of the term.

Spelling Alternatives
An automatic spelling feature available in Babylon provides solutions for common typos, misspellings and wording problems.

Список всех словарей (вместе со стандартными, которые идут в комплекте)
1. Конвертации валют (обновляется с оффсайта)
2. Babylon English-English
3. Иврит (Hebrew)
4. 9300+ Computer Acronyms
5. Acronyms Misc
6. Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
7. Merriam-Webster Collegiate Thesaurus
8. Code Analysis
9. Chatroom Directory
10. Chat Abbreviations
11. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
12. Babylon Hebrew Thesaurus
13. Babylon Hebrew-English
14. Babylon English-Hebrew
15. ATM Forum
16. Еще один иврит
17. Architecture and interior design
18. American idioms
19. A Guide to Futures and Options Market Technology English-English
20. A Glossary of Internet & PC Terminology
21. Computer ABB's Dictionary
22. Computer Abbreviations v1.5
23. Computer English-Russian Dictionary
24. Communicationes y TV
25. Concise English-Interlingua Dictionary
26. Concise Oxford English Dictionary
27. Dahl's Russian Dictionary
28. DAX Glossary of Key Connectivity Terms
29. Digital TV
30. Domein Excentie's
31. Edic Rus-Eng
32. Efremova (Russian Explanatory Dictionary)
33. English-Interlingue Dictionary
34. English-Esperanto
35. English Hebrew Paganism
36. English Names of Mushrooms
37. English-Russian
38. English-Russian Mueller24
39. English-Russian Lingvistica98 Dictionary
40. English-Russian Insurance Glossary
41. English-Russian Online Dictionary
42. English-Visayan
43. Esperanto al la hebrea
45. Functions PHP
46. Gali's Gastronomical Glossary
47. GenusHerb Latin_to_Dutch_and_English
48. German-Russian Dictionary
49. Glossary of Computer and Internet Terms
50. Great Encyclopedic Glossary
51. GSM Abbreviations
52. Hill Associates Acronym List
53. Bible Names
54. Idioms
55. Interlingua-English
56. Internet PR Glossary
57. ICT Terminology
58. Internet Terms & Acronyms v1.0
59. Internetworking Terms
60. Jargon File
61. JDK Doc (JAVA)
62. Jensen's Technology Glossary
63. Josh's Network Glossary
64. Khowar English Dictionary
65. Kiswahili IT Glossary - Englsih-Kiswahili
66. Derech Haim - MIOK Medical Dictionary
67. Microsoft Windows Task List Programs Glossary by SRP
68. Morteza English-Russian
69. Novell Glossary
70. Online-Glossar - Internet, Graphics, CAD, EDV, IT
71. The Oxford Thesaurus
72. Babylon English-Russian
73. Babylon Russian-English
74. Larousse Compact French-German
75. Larousse Compact German-French
76. Larousse Compact French-Italian
77. Larousse Compact Italian-French
78. Larousse Compact French-Spanish
79. Larousse Compact Spanish-French
80. Larousse Compact French-English
81. Larousse Compact English-French
82. Babylon English-Spanish
83. Babylon Spanish-English
84. Gran Diccinario de la lengua Espanola Larousse
85. Concise Oxford English Dictionary
86. Concise Oxford Tesaurus
87. Terus Hebrew-Russian
88. Terus Russian-Hebrew

Платформа: Windows All
Совместимость с Vista: полная
Язык интерфейса: многоязычный (есть английский + русский)
Лекарство: в архиве



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Части взаимозаменяемы
zhex 12/11/08 Просмотров: 3432
FroggeR 20 декабря 2009, 18:30:53

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