Cartoonize Painter 1.4.1

Превратите Вашу фотографию в картину с помощью программы Cartoonize Painter. Процесс такого превращения автоматизирован, Вы можете буквально в пару кликов сделать дело: загрузить фото, выбрать стиль живописи и получить результат.

Cartoonize Painter Software For PC
- Program for Windows users by
- Standalone program, it works without internet connection!
- Turn a photo into a painting with our Cartoonize Painter Software for windows.
- Apply automatically artistic effects to create hand-painted style and great art out of photos in one click!
Turn a photo into a painting with our Cartoonize Painter Software for windows.
- Apply automatically artistic effects to create hand-painted style and great art out of photos in one click!
- More Than 50 Painting Effects!

ОС: Windows 10, Windows 8/ 8.1, Windows 7, Vista, XP
Скачать программу Cartoonize Painter 1.4.1 (41,55 МБ):
MANSORY 05/06/19 Просмотров: 1566