Instrumental Gold Collection. Лучшие мировые хиты (1995-2001) 14CD

Instrumental, Pop, Rock, Easy Listening | Формат: APE (726-814 kbps, Image, Cue, Log), MP3 (320 kbps, Tracks)
Треков: 289 | Общее время звучания: 17:30:38
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Треков: 289 | Общее время звучания: 17:30:38
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Подборка из прекрасных инструментальных композиций в исполнении: Paul Mauriat, Fausto papetti, Francis Goya, Armik, The Shadows, Vanessa Mae, The Ventures, Richard Clauderman, Carlos Santana, Dave Brubeck, Exeption, Frank Duval и еще великого множества не менее известных исполнителей и групп.
CD1: vol. 1 (CD1)

- Richard Clayderman - The Phantom of the Opera [04:27]
- Francis Goya - Romance De Amour [03:18]
- Ocarina - Moonlight Reaggae [04:35]
- Ennio Morricone - Chi Mai [05:06]
- Htnry Manciny - The Pink Panter [02:38]
- Fausto Papetti - Summertime [02:25]
- Dave Brubeck - Take Five [05:24]
- Paul Mauriat - Love Is Blue [02:38]
- James Last - Nights in White Satin [04:59]
- Chris Atkins - Jam Man [03:19]
- Exeption - Taccata [05:15]
- Paul Mauriat - La Gazza Landra [04:30]
- Francis Goya - La Raggazia Di Blue [02:40]
- The Ventures - Walk, Don't Run [02:24]
- Fausto Papetti - I Just Called to Say I Love You [03:11]
- [Saint Preux - Amours Meteores [03:13]
- Djorj Gerswin - Fratelli Chase [03:18]
- James Last - The Lonely Sheepheard [04:21]
- Giorgio Moroder - Love the Me From Flash Dance [03:27]
CD2: vol. 1 (CD2)
- Richard Clayderman - La Cumparsita [03:15]
- Peter Weekers - El Condor Pasa [03:16]
- Paul Mauriat - Toccata [02:39]
- Carlos Santana - Moonflower [04:48]
- Jean Michel Jarre - Magnetic Fields part5 [03:32]
- Didier Marouani - Space Opera part3 [03:49]
- The Ventures - Rap City [02:03]
- Ocarina - Song of Ocarina [03:38]
- The Shadows - Man of Mistery [02:02]
- Candy Dulfer - Lilly Was Here [04:29]
- Fausto Papetti - Emanuelle [03:21]
- Frank Duval - Ballade Pour Adeline [02:38]
- Edward Simoni - Pop Corn [03:00]
- Vangelis - La Petite Fille De La Mer [05:56]
- Frank Pourcell - Besame Mucho [03:12]
- [Jethro Tull - Bouree [03:45]
- Ennio Morricone - Addio a Cheyene [02:40]
- Richard Clayderman - Fur Elise [02:28]
- Paul Mauriat - Badinerie [01:25]
- Chris Atkins - Ave Maria [03:23]
CD3 - vol. 2 (CD1)

- Paul Mauriat - Alouette [02:15]
- Fausto papetti - Sleepy Shores [03:00]
- Francis Goya - Concerto pour une voix [02:59]
- Armik - Dancing Shadow [04:49]
- Alan Parsons - Mammagamma [03:40]
- Paris-france-tranzit - Voice of jupiter [04:24]
- The Shadows - Apache [03:05]
- Vanessa Mae - Can Can [03:45]
- The Ventures - The House of the rising Sun [03:04]
- Max Greger - Two Guitars [02:58]
- Richard Clauderman - Dolannes melody [03:28]
- Glenn Miller Project - Moonlight serenade [00:48]
- Paul Mauriat - Bridge over troubled water [03:10]
- Carlos Santana - Samba Parti [04:48]
- Kenny Ball - Midnight in Moscow [03:05]
- [Squirrel Nut Zippers - Flight of the passing fancy [03:57]
- Aristakis - The Etertainer [02:38]
- Stephane Grappelli - Tears [05:53]
- Louis Clarc & R.P.O. - Pachelbel's canon [03:36]
- Dave Brubeck - Thank You (Dziekuje) [03:39]
- Exeption - Air [02:54]
CD4: vol. 2 (CD2)
- Vanessa Mae - Storm [03:45]
- Armik - Gipsy Flame [04:54]
- Paul Mauriat - Minuetto [02:25]
- Pan Dana - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly [04:11]
- Frank Duval & Orchestra - Sorry to leave You [02:07]
- Paruis-Frnce-Tranzit - Souvenir From Rio [04:22]
- Robert Miles - Children [06:38]
- Squirrel Nut Zippers - Interlocutor [02:48]
- The Ventures - Vibrations [03:08]
- Fausto Papetti - Theme From Paradise [03:18]
- Richard Clauderman - Aline [02:34]
- Ennino Morricone - Le Vent, Le Cri [05:19]
- Michel Legrand - Paraplues De Sherbourg [02:51]
- Paul Mauriat - Un Homme Et Une Femme [02:28]
- G. Sviridov - Waltz [03:59]
- [Space - Secret Dreams [04:31]
- Ritchie Blackmore - Ministrel Hall [02:39]
- Richard Clauderman - Moonlight Sonata [03:16]
- Dave Brubeck - Sixth Sense [07:36]
CD5: vol. 3 (CD1)

- Walter Murphy - A Fifth Of Beethoven [03:02]
- Vanessa Mae - Contadanza [03:49]
- Francis Goya - Nostalgia [02:53]
- Ron Asprey - I Will Always Love You [03:58]
- Blonker - Sidewalk Cafe [03:13]
- Alan Parsons - Hawkeye [03:48]
- Secret Service - Aux Deux Magots [04:10]
- The Shadows - Chattanooga Choo Choo [02:22]
- Fausto Papetti - Feelings [03:35]
- Jan Holland - Black Eyes [02:02]
- Alex Bollard - You Are Lady [03:53]
- Paul Mauriat - Godfather [02:38]
- Carlos Santana - I Love You Much To Much [04:43]
- Ocarina II - Ocarina II (Fluite Solo) [03:27]
- Bert Kempfert - Twilight [02:37]
- [Julee Cruise - Twin Peaks Theme [05:03]
- Saint Preux - Prelude Pour Plano [02:33]
- Kenny G - The Moment [04:34]
- Frank Duval - Main Theme III [04:01]
- Errol Garner - Paris Mist [04:20]
- James Last - Biscaya [04:08]
CD6: vol. 3 (CD2)
- Paul Mauriat - Love Story [03:02]
- Fausto Papetti - Alone Again [03:35]
- George Benson - C-Smooth [05:57]
- Richard Clauderman & James Last - Reflections [04:24]
- Bisquitte - Zoo Zoo [03:14]
- Jan Holland - El Bambino [01:58]
- Blonker - Aranjues [04:47]
- Eddy Calvert - Mistral [02:58]
- The Ventures - Music To Watch Girls By [02:23]
- Jean Michel Jarre - Oxygene IV [04:05]
- Edward Simoni - Feuer Tanz [03:26]
- Mark Knopfler & Chet Atkins - I'll See You In My Dreams [02:59]
- Francis Goya & Damian Luca - Memory [03:48]
- Francisco Garsia - What's A Woman [03:17]
- Whitehall Mystery Orchestra - My Serenade [03:30]
- [Blackmore's Kingdom - Greensleeves [03:28]
- James Last - Tico-Tico [03:14]
- The Lively Ones - Surf Rider [03:19]
- Peter Weekers - Wish You Were Here [03:56]
- Saint Preux - Intermezzo [02:13]
- Vangelis - Ignacio [05:13]
CD7: vol. 4 (CD1)

- Fausto Papetti - Strangers In The Night [02:38]
- Ricky King - Lotos Blume [03:07]
- Nicholas Gunn - Earth Story [03:50]
- Frank Duval - Me To You [03:08]
- Ocarina - Lonely Singer [03:21]
- Saint-Preux - Entre Le Reve Et L'Oubli [03:07]
- James Last - Paradiso [03:09]
- Space - Balad For Space Lovers [02:17]
- Richard Clauderman - Do You Know [03:31]
- Carlos Santana - Luz Amor Y Vida [05:05]
- Keiko Matsui - Flowers Of The Sea [03:36]
- Paul Mauriat - Brazilia Carnaval [02:43]
- Cusco - Saturn [03:36]
- Hugo Strasser - Pariser Tango [02:11]
- The Shadows - The Lute Number [01:54]
- [Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygene Part II [03:12]
- Eddy Calvert - Lonelyness [03:30]
- Francisco Garcia - Woman In Love [03:46]
- Karunesh - Sweet Dreams [04:54]
- Rainbow - Snowman [04:33]
- Kenny G - My Heart Will Go On [04:22]
- The Ventures - Trambone [02:02]
- Paul Mauriat - Mamy Blue [02:49]
- Mark Snow - The X-Files (main title) [03:23]
CD8: vol. 4 (CD2)
- Helmut Zacharias - La Vie En Rose [02:00]
- Paul Mauriat - Penelope [04:11]
- Francis Goya - Try a Little Tenderness [03:39]
- George Saxon - Only You [02:25]
- Azil Y Negro - Isadora [04:02]
- Ricky King - Brazilia [02:55]
- Damian Luca - Unchained Melody [03:42]
- The Shadows - Riders In The Sky [03:21]
- Pedro Alvarez - Ole Guapa [03:11]
- Keiko Matsui - Bonfire In The Piano [04:32]
- Ocarina - Bag Pipe Reggae [03:34]
- Space - Blue Tears [05:36]
- The Intimate Orchestra - Sadeness (Part 1) [04:01]
- Jean-Michel Jarre - Band In The Train [01:22]
- The Ventures - Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head [03:02]
- [Dancing Fantasy - Midnight Blur [03:59]
- Dave Brubeck - Sobre Las Olas [03:10]
- Jeff Wayne - The Eve Of The War [02:53]
- Jerry Mulligan - The Shadow Of The Smile [03:34]
- Darras & Leroux - Boderline [03:06]
- Nino Rota - Romeo & Juliet [02:04]
- Space - SRunning In The City [04:13]
- Jan Holland - The Last Waltz [03:07]
CD9: vol. 5 (CD1)

- Rondo Veneziano - Rondo Veneziano [03:22]
- Ottmar Liebert - Havana Club [05:16]
- Acoustic Alchemy - The Netting Hill Two Step [03:45]
- Frank Duval & Orchestra - Song of the Ben [03:40]
- Jan Hammar - Tubbs And Valerie [03:32]
- Rick Wakeman - Gemini [02:52]
- Piano Fantasia - Song for Denise [04:26]
- Elton John - Cheldorado [04:27]
- Shahin & Sepehr - One Thousand & One Nights [04:27]
- Blonker - Classical Dream [03:37]
- Elo - Another Heart Breacks [03:46]
- Dudley - Moments in Love [03:08]
- Guru Josh - Infinity [03:58]
- Carlos - The Simarilla [03:03]
- Vladimir Cosma - Vladimir Cosma [03:42]
- [Miami Sound Machine - All Because of You... [02:53]
- Sting - Ocean Waltz [03:06]
- Nino Rota - Theme Godfader ][ [03:24]
- Andreas Vollenweider - Trilogy [03:11]
- Monika Ramos - Moat [03:59]
- James Last - Saturday Night Fever [04:13]
CD10: vol. 5 (CD2)
- Paradise - Love The Me [04:09]
- Gipsy Kings - Love & Liberte [03:53]
- Gary Moore - Spanish Guitar [03:44]
- Paul Mauriat - Atlantis [02:54]
- Hank Marvin & The Shadows - Kontiki [01:51]
- Max Greger - Alla Figaro [03:19]
- Rick Wakeman - Isabella [03:27]
- Brian McKnight - Color Of The Night [02:58]
- Richard Clayderman - Cool Breeze [03:46]
- Jan Hammer - Crockett's Theme [03:29]
- Rondo Veneziano - La Serenissima [02:11]
- Barcode Brothers - Flute [04:45]
- Ottmar Liebert - 2 The Night [04:15]
- Shanin & Sepehr - Tears Of Fire [04:01]
- Ryuchi Sakamoto - Merry Christmas [04:24]
- [Fausto Papetti - Passion Theme [04:43]
- Acoustic Alchemy - Jamaica Heart Beat [05:27]
- Martin Bottcher - Moonlight Guitar [02:54]
- Christopher Dean - Scherzo [04:03]
- Anthony Ventura - La paloma [02:29]
- Blonker - Amazonas [04:27]
CD11: vol. 6 (CD1)

- Ennio Morricone - The Sicilian Clan [04:01]
- Francis Goya - Natacha [02:50]
- Neal Schon - Caruso [05:43]
- Giorgio Moroder - Irena's Theme [04:18]
- Kirk Whalum - My All [04:01]
- Richard Clauderman - La Cumparisa [03:15]
- Helmut Zacharias - Moon River [02:50]
- Goran Bregovic - Old Home Movie [05:06]
- Ed Calle - Spanish Rose [04:59]
- 3rd Force - Bridge of Dreams [04:19]
- Milan Koren - Tiko-Tiko [04:50]
- Gil Ventura - Bogota [02:56]
- Tim Timmermans - Andrea With the Flowered Bag [04:08]
- Chris Spheeris - Psyche [04:54]
- James Last - Slovanie Dance Nr. 10 [02:19]
- [Chet Atkins & Les Paul - Limehouse Blues [02:50]
- Joe Satriani - Tears in the Rain [01:21]
- Rondo Veneziano - Armonie [02:38]
- Jan Holland - De Vogeltjesdans [02:14]
- Max Gregor - Medley [07:34]
CD12: vol. 6 (CD2)
- Sant-Preux - No More Nadine [07:24]
- Andreas Vollenweider - Anggh! [02:45]
- Propellerheads - Crach! [06:59]
- Richard Wright - Waves [04:22]
- Bob James & Earl Сlugh - Kari [06:29]
- Acoustic Alchemy - Mr. Chow [03:09]
- Rondo Veneziano - Bettina [03:13]
- Space - On the Air [03:30]
- Ricky King - Primavera [03:09]
- Yanni - The Flame Within [05:56]
- Vangelis - Love Theme [04:56]
- Novo Menco - Tigris Palaсe [04:29]
- Jan Holland - Lambada [03:26]
- Keiko Matsui - Whisper From the Mirror [04:39]
- Isao Tomita - Peer Gynt: Solveg's Song [04:48]
- [Oystein Sevag - Norwegian Mountains [03:42]
- Rick Wakeman - Sea Horses [03:54]
CD13: vol. 7 (CD1)

- Lee Ritenour - Bosscity [04:48]
- Fausto Papeti - Petite Fleur [03:35]
- Sting - Saint Agnes And The Burning Train [02:44]
- Marcus Miller - Come Together [05:16]
- Mark Knopfler - Smooching [05:02]
- Danney Alkana - Spring (Vivaldi) [04:26]
- W. Galison - Julia [03:29]
- Earl Scruggs - Foggy Mountain Breakdown [04:48]
- Steve Ray Vaughan - Scuttle Buttin [01:52]
- Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Maple Leaf Rag [02:02]
- Mike Oldfield - Dark Island (trad.) [05:39]
- Sukay - Concepcion [03:48]
- Mythos - Prelude [02:37]
- Keith Emerson - Hello Sailor [04:37]
- Yes - Mood For A Day [02:58]
- [Jan Holland - Melody In F (Rubinstein) [02:25]
- Robern Michael - Sunset Samba [04:07]
- Van Hallen - 316 [01:27]
- Art Of Noise - Peter Gun [03:56]
- Armik - Miracles [04:53]
- Earl Klugh - Maybe Tonight [04:05]
CD14: vol. 7 (CD2)
- Melvin Taylor - Tequila [02:45]
- Ritchie Blackmore - Practorius (Courante) [01:56]
- Morcheeba - Coming Down Gently [04:20]
- Yello - Hawayian Chance [04:24]
- Ginkgo Garden - Aquamarine Lake [04:08]
- [Danney Alkana - A Little Serenade (Mozart) [04:52]
- Warren Hill - Hey Jude [05:29]
- Carlos Santana - En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor [05:56]
- Jan Holland - Bumble Bee Flight (R.-Korsakov) [01:15]
- The Ventures - The William Tell Overture (Rossini) [03:13]
- Chuck Loeb - Steffi's Strut [05:23]
- Mike Oldfield - The Voyager [04:23]
- Armik - Rubia [05:16]
- Sarah Vaughan - Hey Jude [01:11]
- Modern Gustin Trio - Ticket To Ride [03:50]
- [Fausto Papetti - Just The Way You Are [03:55]
- Vanessa Mae - Classical Gas [03:17]
- Ricky King - Aria (Bach) [03:01]
- Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Honky Tonk Train Blues [03:11]
- Mike Oldfield - Portsmouth [02:07]
- Mythos - Sirens [03:30]
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