CCCP 2013-05-30 Final

Combined Community Codec Pack (CCCP) - набор кодеков, который разрабатывается сразу несколькими группами утилит, занимающимися кодированием/декодированием видео, поэтому должен разрешить любые проблемы, связанные с субтитрами и непонятными (экзотическими) форматами видеофайлов.

В набор входят такие кодеки, утилиты и проигрыватели:
- FFDShow
- Haali Media Splitter
- VSFilter
- Windows Media 9 VCM
- Media Player Classic
- ZoomPlayer Standart

ОС: Win8/Win7/Vista/XP.
Изменения в версии 2013-05-30:
- As newer CCCP playback packages contain quite a few rather large differences compared to the pre-2012 ones, if you at any point need to grab the last FFDShow-tryouts based release, it, with some minor script-related fixes, is available from here
- The known issues with the release are also listed here.
- If you want to try and use FFDShow-tryouts' raw video/audio filters with the new CCCP, see here (WIP)
- Updated components:
- LAV Filters
- MPC-HC (shows up as 7357)
- xy-VSFilter 3.0.0."220"
- 211 with various backports and fixes
- General changelog:
- Installer and settings applications
- Haali's 'Autoload VSFilter' checkbox in the settings application has been replaced with a LAV Splitter tray icon checkbox as part of the gradual Haali removal process. This setting can still be changed in Haali Splitter's settings.
- A button for LAV Splitter's settings has been added to the settings application, and the buttons in general have been somewhat regrouped.
- Memory leaks have been fixed in MPC-HC that happened with files that contained chapters. Thanks go to Underground78 for quickly solving this issue, and to Phantasm for helping in debugging the problem.
- The update checking mechanism question that pops up during first start-up of MPC-HC no longer comes up so that the playback would start behind or in front of it. The playback will not start before you answer the question.
- Audio switcher's normalization and boost features have been updated. If you do not reset settings and use these features, you might get unexpected results. Do make sure to either reset settings, or go into the options and modify the settings to match according to your tastes.
- LAV Video now prefers YV12 to NV12 on XP if a 4:2:0 YCbCr color space is being tried for output. This should work around or fix some of the problems that certain XP users have been having after the switch to being LAV-based.
- A pop-up menu has been added to LAV Splitter for switching streams or editions, and jumping to chapters. Enabled by default in CCCP.
- Many small changes to LAV Splitter that improve the scanning speed of Matroska files when using segment linking.
- Default streams are now preferred to the special 'forced' streams that LAV Splitter creates internally in case of PGS subtitles. This makes subtitles show up more often, matching the behavior to when there are no PGS subtitle tracks available. Real 'forced' tracks still get selected by default in case such exist.
- A problem with segment linking and Vorbis audio extradata changes has been fixed in LAV Splitter.
- The FLAC channel mask from metadata is now used by LAV Audio, fixes playback of FLAC files with non-standard channel layouts.
- JPEG2000 support has been added.
- xy-VSFilter
- A blacklist update from MPC-HC has been backported. Should improve xy-VSFilter falling out of the playback chain in case of a known application that doesn't like its existence, and most probably will not get fixed.
- A couple of new NV12-to-I420/YUY2/RGB color conversion code paths have been added to vd.cpp's Kasumi-based solutions as a measure to work around some weird connections that xy-VSFilter happens to create for one reason or another.
Скачать набор кодеков CCCP 2013-05-30 Final (9,01 МБ):
aks85 31/05/13 Просмотров: 4089
win8Codeck-1.57_x64 -- вот это действительно бомба....)нативная поддержка на уровне железа 32-бит цвет. поддержка 10 бит фильмы (Hi 10)-и многое,многое другое )--особенно это касается Х-64 систем )
Уже миллион лет, ставлю только этот набор кодеков. Как в Win 7x64, так и в Win 8X64, везде работают прекрасно. Благодарю, aks85!