
Lida Hola, Pavla Borilova. Cestina Expres 1

Lida Hola, Pavla Borilova. Cestina Expres

Čeština Expres 1 - переработанное и расширенное издание популярного учебника Czech Expres 1. Учебник направлен на развитие коммуникативно-практических навыков, прежде всего восприятия и общения. Тексты дополнены многочисленными цветными фотографиями и оригинальными иллюстрациями, включая комиксы.

Čeština expres 1 / Czech Express 1 is a reworked and expanded edition of the popular coursebook Czech Express 1. The publication forms the first part of a two-part elementary course in "survival Czech". The new form of the coursebook is aiming to meet the requirements of the Common European reference frameworkand is intended for beginners who want to reach the language level of A1 quickly. In seven practically oriented lessons Czech students can learn to understand and react in basic communicative situations (e.g. the topics of Getting to know each other, Directions, My family, When to meet etc.). The coursebook concentrates on mastering communication skills, first and foremost speaking and listening. Grammar is simplified as far as possible here and the student discovers it herself through the means of texts and overview tables. Czech Express 1 consists of two parts. a monolingual coursebook written in Czech forms the first part, part of which is a new workbook. The second part is a supplement with vocabulary, grammatical tables and explanation in the student's first language. The texts are accompanied by a quantity of colour photographs and original illustrations including the popular cartoons. The set also includes an audio CD.

Издательство: Akropolis
Год выпуска: 2011
Жанр: иностранные языки, обучение, учебник, аудиокурс, чешский
Формат: PDF + MP3
Страниц: 101, 69, 52
Язык: чешский, английский, русский


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