
Luxology Modo 601.54144 SP4

Luxology Modo 601.54144 SP4

Luxology MODO - инновационная программа для 3D моделирования, рисования и рендеринга в единой рабочей среде. Особенностью программы является мощный, но при этом интуитивно понятный инструментарий для конструирования сложных геометрических форм методом подраздельных поверхностей. По прошествии нескольких лет продукт постепенно трансформировался в полноценный универсальный пакет. Интерфейс программы предлагает глубокую настройку практически всех рабочих элементов. Весьма востребованными будут предустановленные в нем навигационные стили, которые максимально приближают принципы взаимодействия с инструментами к методам, практикуемым в 3DS Max, Maya и других аналогичных решениях. Для удобства пользования все ключевые технологические переходы (рисование, анимация, рендеринг и т.д.) вынесены в отдельные модули.

Luxology Modo 601.54144 SP4

Основные возможности:

  • Полигональное и под раздельное моделирование поверхностей
  • Точное конструирование геометрии
  • Два вида инструментов построения модели: сеточные и основанные на графическом изображении
  • UV редактирование мирового уровня
  • Мощная и гибкая система рисования для 2D и 3D
  • Быстрый рендеринг
  • Примерный и полный рендеринг до деталей
  • Мощные функции анимации и построения моделей
Luxology Modo 601.54144 SP4

Изменения в версии 601 SP4

  • Fixes bug where the polygon set material dialog didn't show unassigned polygon tags in its list.
  • Fixes bug where unassigned polygon tags were no longer listed in shader tree mask dropdowns.
  • Adds support for Traditional Chinese, fixing bug where rotation values showed up as *ERROR* due to bad degree character.
  • Fixes bug with polygon extrude with a custom workplane.
  • Fixes bug where scaling the parent of an offset IES light would change the IES pattern.
  • Fixes potential crash importing geometry in FBX format exported from some software applications.
  • Provides a dramatic performance increase for scenes that use the hair and skin shaders on the same source polygons.
  • Fixes bug in DXF I/O related to multi-byte characters in the filename.
  • Fixes bucket level render artifacts in scenes with bump and displacement, that use the Displacement as Bump feature.
  • Fixes bug with the Show Distortion option in the UV view, when switching UV maps.
  • Fixes bug where Mac crash reporting was attaching the user's current commandLog, rather than the one for the crashed session.
  • Fixes crash if modo is started and exited in less than 10 seconds. (Mac crash reporting)
  • Fixes bug where pressing shift-a to fit an item parented to the camera would cause the camera to zoom in or out continuously.
  • Fixes crash if modo is unable to write files to the user's Luxology folder. (Mac crash reporting)
  • Fixes potential crash in a random number generating routine. (Mac crash reporting)
  • Fixes potential crash in vertex maps. (Mac crash reporting)
  • Fixes potential crash saving files with PSUBs. (Mac crash reporting)
  • Fixes a potential crash in the Topology pen when using the Slip UVs option. (Mac crash reporting)
  • Fixes the percent-of-time in the render stats for frames/render passes so they work on all frames/passes, not just the last one.
  • Fixes a case where render thumbnails could be blank after rendering with render passes.
  • Fixes a potential preview crash when dragging and dropping materials while Preview is locked.
  • Improves performance significantly for the Skin shader when used with Global Illumination.
  • Fixes potential crash with Loop Slice in item mode, using the Selected option. (Mac crash reporting)
  • Fixes potential crash in Mesh Paint when changing item selection. (Mac crash reporting)
  • Fixes crash running Perl scripts on Windows if the user has many kits installed.
  • Fixes potential crash in the Mesh Paint generator.
  • Fixes potential crash in vertex buffer validations. (Mac crash reporting)
  • Fixes potential crash in the Slide tool.
  • Updates the Windows installer to note that 32-bit modo must be installed for Quicktime support in 64-bit modo.
  • Fixes bug where the spin edge command would break selection when in symmetry mode.
  • Fixes potential crash activating the Dimensions tool with the Transform tool active.
  • Fixes potential crash in the vertMap.list command. (Mac crash reporting)
  • Fixes bug where volumetrics on distant lights were too bright.
  • Fixes potential crash drawing very long (translated) tool pipe names in GL.
  • Fixes potential crash using radial sweep with a bezier curve.
  • Fixes bug where contours would not appear in Ambient Occlusion renders.
  • Fixes bug where the left image was empty when rendering stereo with Write Buckets to Disk enabled in "no composite" mode.
  • Fixes layered image saving for left image in stereo render with WBTD enabled in "no composite" mode.
  • Fixes bug where filenames in final color output could be corrupted by unsupported character hidden in the filename.
  • Fixes bug in the Consolidate scene script that could cause images to be replaced by other images in the same scene.
  • Fixes bug where painting with low tablet pressure could cause artifacts.
  • Fixes bug where the tablet nozzle setting that use speed, instead of pressure did not work.
  • Fixes bug where rendering blobs with SSS would create artifacts.
  • Fixes bug where textures without locators did not always have their texture position initialized. This manifested as bucket-level artifacts in some renders.
  • Fixes bug where update-under-mouse in Preview was offset if a render region was set.
  • Fixes potential crash selecting rings of vertices on multiple selected meshes.
  • Fixes potential crash when aborting a render.
  • Fixes bug in reference scene merging, which could cause item names to be lost.
  • Fixes bug where disabling multiresolution could cause a popup asking the user if they want to convert to Catmull-Clark.
  • Fixes possible crash due to bad memory allocation (Mac crash reporting).
  • Fixes bug where the elastic channel caused incorrect deformations on a spline effector.
  • Fixes bug where vertex loop selection would drop selection after adding a few loops.
  • Fixes potential crash when adding hair guides to a mesh.
  • Fixes bug where using Write Bucket to Disk on a render would keep all the bucket files stored on the drive indefinitely. They are now stored in folders that are then deleted when the render lot is overwritten.
  • Fixes crash rendering with no active render outputs.
  • Mac: Fixes crash when clicking on the modo or Apple menus with help activated (F1).
  • Fixes potential crash in the select diagonal command with irregular polygons.
  • Fixes a potential crash with the Slide tool in Duplicate mode.
  • Fixes crash loading a scene saved with a disabled target modifier.
  • Fixes crash trying to bevel many edges simultaneously.
  • Potential fix for random Preview crash (Mac crash reporting).
  • Fixes potential crash with Space Navigator navigation in Preview.
  • Fixes bug with undo/redo with group selections.
  • Fixes crash viewing corrupt preset in Preset Browser.
  • Fixes bug where images were saved incorrectly from the render window when Write Buckets to Disk was enabled and more than the standard two render outputs were present.
  • Fixes bug with merging references, where images, materials and mesh visibility could get corrupted.
  • Fixes weighting on the bend effectors tangent offset, which caused deformation on unweighted points.
  • Fixes bug where hair guides were not properly driven with MDD deformations.
  • Fixes crash when baking to render outputs with more than one output of the same type.
  • Fixes potential crash in Preview when navigating camera. (Mac crash reporting)
  • Fixes potential crash baking from object to texture.
  • Fixes bug where slaves would not participate in a network render if they were forced into slave mode (by the LAN license checking).
  • Adds "not enough memory" error when renders fail due to insufficient memory. Workaround for those cases is to enable Write Buckets to Disk on the Render item.
  • Makes energy conservation work with indirect illumination and fresnel, improving realism.
  • Fixes SDK wiki link in the scripting docs PDF.
  • Fixes bug when editing viewport light radius.
  • Fixes bloom rendering for stereo animation.
  • Fixes bug where the stereo control handles on the camera did not appear in the GL when Advanced tool handles were used.
  • Fixes potential crash in mac crash reporting due to bug in date sorting.
  • Implements a limit on the size of the commandLog sent in crash reporting email.
  • Fixes Windows bug where renders would not load into the Render Window, if the combination of frame size and number of render outputs was too large.
  • Fixes potential crash loading 8-bit grayscale BMP images.
  • Fixes crash in the histogram monitor (render window) when the display range was set to zero.

ОС: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 (32 & 64-bit)


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