
UEStudio - мощная интегрированная среда разработки, построенная на знаменитом текстовом редакторе UltraEdit. UEStudio включает все особенности программы UltraEdit, плюс поддержку для более 30 популярных компиляторов (включая Microsoft Visual C++, Java, GNU C/C++, PHP, Perl и т.д.), интегрированный отладчик, интегрированный VCS элемент управления, встроенный просмотр классов, языковые сведения, конвертер проектов, и многие другие особенности. Имеется огромное количество дополнительных функций и настроек. В девятой версии программы появилось множество улучшений в интерфейсе, появился встроенный отладчик PHP кода, улучшена поддержка FTP и многое другое.

Особенности программы:
- Мощная поддержка для проектов/решений
- Преобразование Visual Studio 6/05 к UEStudio проектам
- Интегрированная поддержка компилятора
- Интегрированная поддержка CVS
- Интегрированная поддержка SVN
- Множественные SVN/CVS модули в проектах
- Интегрированная поддержка тэгов
- Менеджер проектов
- Шаблоны проектов
Новые особенности:
- Встроенный отладчик PHP кода
- Расширенная поддержка CVS
- Улучшенная поддержка FTP
- Скриптовый доступ к буферу обмена
- Расширенное автоматическое обнаружение больших файлов
- Быстрое открытие адресной панели
- Новый улучшенный интерфейс
- И многое другое
ОС: Windows XP, Vista, 7
- Active Column Highlighting
- Can be enabled and configured in View -> Set Colors
- Menu (View), toolbar, and key mapping command
- Open all files matched by Find in Files/Replace in Files
- New FindInFiles and ReplInFiles macro property: OpenMatchingFiles
- New scripting property: UltraEdit.frInFiles.openMatchingFiles (Boolean)
- New "Date created" ($Dc) and "Date modified" ($Dm) template options for Find in Files output
- Configured in Advanced -> Configuration -> Search -> Set Find Output Format
- New scripting functionality (all document objects)
- cancelSelect() - cancels the current selection (if any) without changing caret position
- gotoEndOfPrevWord() - moves caret to end of previous word
- gotoEndOfPrevWordSelect() - selects from current position to end of previous word
- gotoEndOfNextWord() - moves caret to end of next word
- gotoEndOfNextWordSelect() - selects from current position to end of next word
- UTF8ToASCII() - converts UTF-8 file to ASCII
- ASCIIToUTF8() - converts ASCII file to UTF-8
- New macro commands
- CancelSelect - cancels the current selection (if any) without changing caret position
- GotoEndOfPrevWord - moves caret to end of previous word
- GotoEndOfPrevWordSelect - selects from current position to end of previous word
- GotoEndOfNextWord - moves caret to end of next word
- GotoEndOfNextWordSelect - selects from current position to end of next word
- UTF8ToASCII - converts UTF-8 file to ASCII
- ASCIIToUTF8 - converts ASCII file to UTF-8
- Find/Replace improvements
- Better handling of Perl regex results in Lines Containing Find String window
- Better highlighting of Perl regex matches in Find in Files output
- Selecting text and pressing Find/Replace hotkey updates Find/Replace string when dialog is already open
- Syntax Highlighting improvements
- Improved highlighting of nested block comments
- Improved syntax highlighting with word wrap
- More flexible Comment Add/Remove
- Better writing of custom highlighting colors to wordfile
- Non-default wordfiles no longer removed when updating default wordfiles
- New Python wordfile added to default wordfiles
- Selected bytes/lines information displayed in status bar
- Ability to "Add all open files" to lists/favorites in Lists tab of File View
- To access this option, click the "..." button in the Lists tab
- Ability to clear undo buffer
- New option in Edit menu
- New key mapping command: "EditClearUndo"
- Can be added as a toolbar button
- Ability to delete files in FTP Browser with DEL key
- Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys can now select to word boundaries in file path field of FTP Open/Save/Browse
- Removed prompt to close open files during project open if only unsaved Edit files are open
- Open files are no longer closed when creating a new project
- Only applicable if "Close all files when opening or switching projects" is enabled
- Ability to save user-specific project PUI files in %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UEStudio
- Can be configured in Advanced -> Configuration -> File Handling -> Advanced
- "Yes to All" and "No to All" options added to "File no longer available" prompt
- Improvements to Goto in Hex mode to support addresses in very large files
- Cursor now changes to pointer when hovering over margin
- New MSI installer option (in addition to EXE)
- MSI requires Windows Vista SP2 or greater
- More user-friendly licensing/registration messaging
- Redesigned "Check for Updates" dialog and messaging
- Re-skinned installer with new messaging
- New file status icons in file tabs
- Note: This change should help make file tab icons more distinguishable to colorblind users
- Improved handling of saving multiple files to FTP
- Improved performance when selecting text in large files
- Improved handling of file paths with multi-byte Unicode characters
- Improvements to Explorer tab in Workspace Manager
- Several translation/localization improvements in non-English versions
- Files created via command line respect default line terminator setting
- Updated tag list
- Specific fixes for issues, including:
- Fixed drag and drop editing issues
- Fixed Undo/Redo issue with restoring data
- Fixed Comment Add / Comment Remove with leading whitespace
- Fixed issue where toggling column mode closes Lines Containing Find String dialog
- Fixed auto-correction of word while word is still being typed
- Fixed issue where clicking "Cancel" to save changes prompt gives focus to wrong file
- Fixed issue where characters inserted via Alt + numeric keypad don't display properly in UTF-8 file
- Disabled tag insertion when in hex mode
- Fixed issue where Shift + Double Click doesn't highlight all selected if "Use presistent highlight all" is disabled
- Other minor improvements
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