ScreenFlow 3.0.3

ScreenFlow — программа для создания презентаций или обучающих роликов, которая позволит записать все ваши действия на экране и затем легко отредактировать их. Простой в использовании интерфейс позволяет редактировать видео, добавлять дополнительные изображения, текст или музыку, а также добавлять переходы.

Готовый результат можно сохранить в форматы QuickTime или Windows Media, опубликовать на веб-сайт, блог или непосредственно на YouTube или Vimeo. Используйте ScreenFlow для создания качественных программных демо, учебных пособий, обучающих роликов, презентаций и многого другого!
ScreenFlow позволяет параллельно записывать со встроенной камеры и/или микрофона, затемнять или наоборот выделять фрагменты экрана для привлечения внимания, а также делать фокусировку на курсоре мыши и много других приятных мелочей.

What's New in This Release:
- Improved performance of audio speed adjusted clips in Lion
- Improved memory usage when using a large number of QuickTime clips in a document
- Fixed memory leak that occurred when zooming Freehand Callouts
- Fixed bug that could produce "File not found" error messages when loading documents over network connections and slower storage
- Added potential workaround for -49 errors when exporting during local Time Machine backups
- Improved performance of opening documents over network connections
- Screen recording files will now be correctly removed from scratch volumes upon saving
- Improved anti-aliased drawing when rotating clips in the timeline
- Fixed microphone audio cutting out up to one second early after recording
- Freehand callouts will now be pinned to the edges of the screen when zooming up
- Fixed poor quality audio playback when capturing from 12-bit DV camera recordings
- Fixed progress bar not appearing when saving a document to an external hard drive
- Fixed crash that could occur when rendering audio waveforms for very short clips
- Prevented the mouse cursor disappearing when close to the edge of the screen
- Adding a new marker from the 'Markers' window will now add it at the current transport time
- Audio waveforms will now draw correctly when splitting clips
- Prevented playback from resuming after reaching the end of a project and then changing the scrubber position in the timeline
- Fixed bug preventing overdrawing of the canvas when the application is idle
- Restored QuickLook previews of ScreenFlow documents
- Added support for moving groups together when closing a gap in the timeline
- Prevented the 'Save As' entry field in the 'Export' window from changing folders unnecessarily
- Fixed bug preventing mouse pointer options from appearing correctly
- Fixed issue that could prevent the first frame of a callout from appearing
- Prevented ScreenFlow from crashing if it cannot find a mouse click audio file
- Fixed cropped image aspect ratio not being respected through a video action
- Improved the way the global crop is adjusted when entering new values into the entry fields
- Fixed gradient being incorrectly inverted on text boxes
- Prevented audio waveforms from updating while editing the 'Duration' or 'Speed' box in the clip inspector
- Prevented locked clips from having actions added to them or being renamed
- Modified zoomed callouts to hide the mouse pointer when under the zoomed region
- Fixed an issue that caused the timeline to redraw incorrectly when adjusting the window size under Lion
- Fixed scrollbars not showing up when moving a clip down in the timeline
- Fixed 'Publish to Flash' framerate combo box showing up empty
- Improved a number of error messages when entering out of bounds values
- Prevented the addition of % sign when entering a value in the ‘Scale’ field in the ‘Export’ sheet
- The current font is now correctly selected when the ‘Font’ panel is opened when editing a text clip
- Fixed bug preventing the Freehand Callout controls from reappearing
- Mac OS X 10.6.4 or later
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