
JAlbum 10


Jalbum - программа для автоматического создания веб-галерей. Для этого достаточно мышкой перетащить в окно программы папку с картинками, и она сгенерирует галерею с уменьшенными копиями изображений (или Slide-Show вариант). Впрочем, возможен и ручной режим работы с полным контролем над создаваемым проектом, в том числе с использованием имеющихся фильтров изображений, настройкой стилей, использованием данных IPTC/EXIF и т.п.

JAlbum 10

Чтобы бесплатно воспользоваться хостингом производителя для публикации проектов, нужно зарегистрировать имя и почтовый адрес. В утилите представлено несколько шаблонов и скинов, а на сайте разработчика доступна целая коллекция.

What's New in This Release:

News and Updates

  • New license model: jAlbum is now free for non commercial use only. For commercial use of the application you need to purchase a Pro license. The Pro license also lets you remove ads and white label your albums, and will give you access to our priority e-mail support.
  • Full xmp metadata support. Read and write metadata like caption, title, rating, keywords, author and copyright directly to your images and exchange data with other xmp aware applications like Adobe Photoshop, Bridge and Lightroom
  • Now also supporting the image formats TIFF, PSD (some aspects), PNM, PGM, PBM, and PPM. For details see the Sanselan library
  • Albums can now be easily embedded in web sites and blogs by using the new "Embed album" feature. Skin developers can use the new "embed.htt" template file to customize how their skins are embedded.
  • You can now move album objects (images, folders) between album projects (within the same application)
  • The filter bar now lets you filter by flag/color (xmp Label) too, and the slide show allows you to quickly flag images by color using keys 6-9. (Use keys 0-5 to rate images)
  • Faster album making: We were able to avoid duplication of metadata reading
  • Upload button now defaults to the advanced upload window for externally hosted albums (ALT key toogles between quick and advanced view)
  • New XmpManager API for those skin and plugin developers who wish to manage the hundreds of other XMP properties there are.
  • Skins Lumen, Mr.Burns and Galleria updated
  • New "Copy file metadata to xmp" external tool that injects xmp metadata into the images of old album projects
  • Turtle skin now v2.0, a major rewrite packed with improvements and new expressions.
  • Translations updated. Thank you all translators for your continuous help!

Bug fixes
  • Fix to reading Unicode encoded EXIF User comments.
  • Fixed error causing "Convert link to copy" from two folder levels down to seemingly not work (the visual appearance wasn't updated)
  • Operations were applied to album objects that were selected but filtered-out by a filter
  • Some images got negative GPS coordinates


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Bukkollaider 20/09/11 Просмотров: 2329