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EditPad Pro 7.0.0 + Lite

EditPad - мощный и универсальный текстовый редактор, поддерживающий множество функций. Многие настройки EditPad могут меняться в зависимости от типа редактируемого файла. Так, например, при редактировании программы автоматически включаются функции, необходимые для редактирования кода, а при редактировании текста - функции для работы с текстом. В EditPad предопределены многие типы файлов. Среди них такие как: TXT, HTML, XML, CSS, Delphi, Java, C#, C/C++, Eiffel, Python, PHP, Perl, SQL, INI. Пользователь может создать настройки для новых типов файлов, а так же перенастроить старые.

EditPad предоставляет следующие функции:

Для программистов, кодеров и разработчиков:

  • выделение цветом редактируемого документа;
  • понимание всех существующих способов описания конца строки (Linux, Windows, Mac);
  • быстрые и мощные поиск и замена;
  • универсальный и настраиваемый буфер обмена;
  • неограниченная история отмены действий;
  • сравнение двух версий документа;
  • переключение между текстовым и шестнадцатиричным представлением текста;
  • нумерация линий и переход к необходимой.

Для писателей и редакторов:

  • использование любых шрифтов;
  • проверка орфографии;
  • расширенный буфер и возможность копирования блоков текста;
  • прямоугольное выделение текста;
  • статистика документа;
  • карта символов для печати любого необходимого символа;
  • вставка разрыва страницы в текст.

What's New in This Release:

New features:

  • Automatic ASCII->Unicode interpretation for encodings that use sequences of ASCII characters to encode Unicode characters. This works with files encoded in VIQR, ASCII+\uFFFF, ASCII+￿, ASCII+￿ and ASCII+&html;. E.g. for ASCII+&html; typing é inserts those 8 ASCII characters into the file. When you type the ; the whole sequence will appear as é in EditPad. For VIQR, typing e' inserts those two ASCII characters, and EditPad will show é. If you want the ASCII codes to appear literally, you have to escape them yourself. EditPad does not automatically encode & as & for ASCII+&html; or ' as \' for VIQR. If you type in é with one of these encodings, EditPad will display the é and insert é or e' into the file.
  • Block, Between Matching Brackets: Expand the selection to the text between the innermost pair of brackets that spans the selection. Repeat the command to expand the selection to include the brackets. Again to expand to the next level of brackets.
  • Block, Swap: Swap the two selections when the editor is split in two and a different selection was made in each view.
  • Block, Unselect: Unselect the selected text, if any.
  • Character Map: Buttons to insert the character, its code page index in dec/hex, its Unicode code point in dec/hex or its XML entity.
  • Character Map: Filter map on Unicode blocks and scripts in addition to or instead of Unicode properties.
  • Character Map: Look up characters by typing in their code points.
  • Command line: /import switch to treat the files on the command line as file listings that should be imported.
  • Command line: /newproject and /newprojectcombine switches to open the files passed on the command line into a new project. The latter creates only one project if EditPad is launched more than once per second, e.g. when opening files from Windows explorer.
  • Command line: /wait switch to block the instance until the opened files are closed by the running instance. Use this when configuring EditPad as an external editor for an application that waits for the external editor to close.
  • Context menu for the margin, with commands for bookmarks, folding, line numbers, etc.
  • Context menu item on file tabs to copy the file's path to the clipboard.
  • Convert|Characters <-> \uFFFF.
  • Convert|Characters <-> NCR (numeric character references, i.e. XML entities).
  • Convert|HTML/XML entities: convert characters like < into/from <.
  • Convert|Indentation Spaces->Tabs converts only spaces at the start of each line into tabs.
  • Convert|Text Encoding: ArmSCII (Armenian).
  • Convert|Text Encoding: ASCII+\uFFFF ASCII+￿ ASCII+￿ ASCII+&html;
  • Convert|Text Encoding: EUC-CN (Simplified Chinese).
  • Convert|Text Encoding: EUC-JP (Japanese).
  • Convert|Text Encoding: EUC-KR (Korean).
  • Convert|Text Encoding: EUC-TW (Traditional Chinese).
  • Convert|Text Encoding: GEOSTD8 (Georgian).
  • Convert|Text Encoding: HZ (Simplified Chinese) (conversion only; no direct editing).
  • Convert|Text Encoding: ISCII (Indic).
  • Convert|Text Encoding: ISIRI-3342 (Persian).
  • Convert|Text Encoding: ISO-2022-CN (RFC 1922) (conversion only; no direct editing).
  • Convert|Text Encoding: ISO-2022-JP (RFC 1468), ISO-2022-JP-1 (RFC 2237), ISO-2022-JP-2 (RFC1554) (conversion only; no direct editing). Also known as "JIS".
  • Convert|Text Encoding: ISO-2022-KR (RFC 1557) (conversion only; no direct editing).
  • Convert|Text Encoding: Kamenický (Czech and Slovak).
  • Convert|Text Encoding: KZ-1048 (Kazach).
  • Convert|Text Encoding: Macintosh character sets.
  • Convert|Text Encoding: Mazovia (Polish).
  • Convert|Text Encoding: MIK (Bulgarian).
  • Convert|Text Encoding: PTCP154 (Cyrillic Asian).
  • Convert|Text Encoding: TSCII (Tamil; conversion only; no direct editing).
  • Convert|Text Encoding: US-ASCII (7-bit).
  • Convert|Text Encoding: UTF-7 (conversion only; no direct editing).
  • Convert|Text Encoding: Vietnamese code pages: VISCII, VIQR/Vietnet, VNI, VPS, TCVN
  • Convert|Text Encoding: YUSCII.
  • Copying text to the clipboard now includes an additional rich text clipboard format that preserves EditPad's syntax coloring when pasted into a rich text editor or word processor.
  • Drag and drop: Drag and drop files within a single project on the Files Panel to rearrange their tabs.
  • Edit files larger than 2 GB.
  • Edit, Insert Date and Time, Other Date and Time: Screen that list all available date and time placeholders to easily build up a date and time format.
  • Edit, Insert Date and Time: History menu with recently used date/time formats instead of a single fixed date/time format configured in the preferences.
  • Edit, Insert Matching Bracket: Automatically insert a bracket to match the unmatched bracket nearest to the cursor.
  • EditPad Lite can now be licensed (purchased) for business and government use. It is still free for personal use.
  • Explorer Panel, Explore in Windows Explorer: Opens the selected folder or the folder containing the selected file in Windows Explorer.
  • Explorer panel: Create Folder.
  • Explorer Panel: Home Folder button has a drop-down menu with recently used home folders.
  • Explorer panel: Save the active file in a particular folder.
  • Extra, Consolidate blank lines: multiple blank lines are replaced by a single blank line.
  • Extra, Remove blank lines.
  • File History: Delete all backups for all files in the current project.
  • File Panel, Sort: Toggle between alphabetic order, tab order, and most recently edited order.
  • File Panel, View: Automatically collapse all project nodes except the one containing the selected file.
  • File Panel, View: Closed files in managed projects.
  • File Panel, View: Display folders relative to the root drive or relative to the folder containing the project file.
  • File Panel, View: Flat list.
  • File Panel, View: Folders before files.
  • File Panel, View: Group files by file type.
  • File Panel: Explore button that locates the selected file or folder in the Explorer panel or opens the folder in Windows Explorer.
  • File Panel: Move to Project button that lists all already opened projects in a drop-down menu to make it easy to move the selected files into that project.
  • File Panel: Open Files from This Folder command to show the Open File dialog box at the selected folder.
  • File Panel: Select files from different folders and different projects at the same time.
  • File Types, Colors: Ability to create multiple user-defined presets.
  • File Types, Colors: Ability to select a color preset for each file type, to allow different file types to use different color combinations.
  • File Types, Colors: Bracket matching highlights incorrectly nested brackets and unmatched brackets.
  • File Types, Colors: Color buttons show a color wheel to select any color instead of boxes for entering R,G,B numbers.
  • File Types, Colors: HTML syntax coloring makes relative URLs in HREF attributes clickable.
  • File Types, Colors: XML syntax coloring can now match up XML tags if you turn on bracket matching.
  • File Types, Colors: You can now choose to highlight matching brackets touched by the cursor (as in EditPad 6) or the innermost pair of brackets containing the cursor. If you turn on both options, the innermost pair is highlighted if the cursor does not touch a bracket.
  • File Types, Editor: Font and text layout can now be configured per file type.
  • File Types, Encoding: Option to auto-detect ASCII+UCN and ASCII+XML entities.
  • File Types, Encoding: Options for binary files to show only the hex section, only the ASCII section, both in each view, or (when the editor is split) one in each view.
  • File Types, Encoding: Record size for binary files.
  • File Types, Navigation: Add detailed automatic folding points from the file navigation scheme. A file navigation scheme can now mark some of the folding points that it defines as being detailed. E.g. the file navigation schemes provided with EditPad Pro 6 for languages that use curly braces to delimit nested blocks made major blocks such as classes and functions foldable. The EditPad Pro 7 schemes do the same, but also make any pair of curly braces and even multi-line comments and strings foldable if you turn on the option to use detailed folding in the file type configuration.
  • File Types, Navigation: Keyword help setting to provide a help file (CHM or HLP) or URL to be used for keyword lookup when pressing the F1 key in the editor.
  • File Types: Choose the default file type for new files.
  • File Types: Multiple file types can now be selected at the same time in the file type configuration screen and any changes made in the file type configuration screen are applied to all selected file types.
  • File, Save Copy As: Checkbox on the Save dialog to open the copy of the file in EditPad right after saving the copy (Windows Vista and 7 only).
  • Fold, Go to Next/Previous Fold: Move the cursor to the folding point after/before the cursor. Makes it easy to jump through the various sections in the file made foldable by the file navigator.
  • Fold, Toggle All Folds: Unfolds all folding points if some are folded; folds all folding points if none are folded.
  • Fold, Toggle Fold: Does a fold/unfold depending on the state of the folding point the cursor is on. A single command allows a single keyboard shortcut to be used for both folding and unfolding.
  • Fold|Fold Unselected: Folds all automatic folding points outside the current selection.
  • FTP: Favorite files and folders for each FTP server.
  • FTP: File permissions command for changing file permissions on UNIX FTP servers (CHMOD).
  • FTP: Secure FTP (SFTP and FTP over SSH, TLS, and SSL).
  • Go|Next Editing Position: Move in the opposite way from Go|Previous Editing Position. EditPad now remembers 16 editing positions per file instead of just 4.
  • Keyboard: Ctrl+punctuation key combinations for typing of accented characters on a keyboard that does not support them.
  • Keyboard: Key 5 on the numeric keypad scrolls the view to center the cursor in the screen when Num Lock is off.
  • Macros: Instant Macro: Hotkeys to start and stop recording, and to play back the instant macro. No prompt for macro properties.
  • Mark, Next Bookmark and Previous Bookmark: Jump to the next or previous numbered or unnumbered bookmark, using the order the bookmarks have in the file rather than their numeric order.
  • Mark|Set Any Bookmark: Sets a bookmark using the lowest number not yet set, or a numberless bookmark if 10 bookmarks have already been set.
  • Options, Column Numbers: When showing column numbers, selecting column numbers with the mouse makes a rectangular selection of those columns, and all the lines in the file. If there was already a selection, only the lines already partially selected are included in the selection, unless Ctrl is held down.
  • Options, Record Size: Specify the number of bytes to be shown on each line in hexadecimal mode.
  • Options, Right-to-Left: Toggle between left-to-right and right-to-left writing.
  • Options, Text Layout: Increase or reduce the line height and character width by one or more pixels, for a tighter or roomier display. Add one or more pixels of extra line spacing to make lines easier to distinguish. Set everything to zero to emulate EditPad 5 and 6.
  • Options, Text Layout: Option to display ASCII characters using full-width characters when a file is detected to contain ideographs, so columns made with spaces and tabs line up nicely when ASCII and ideographs are mixed.
  • Options, Text Layout: Option to force the editor to be monospaced, even when a proportionally spaced font is used.
  • Options, Text Layout: Option to toggle Ctrl+Left/Right between always going to the start of the next word (like programming editors) instead select the next word (EditPad style).
  • Options, Text Layout: Option to treat all non-whitespace non-word characters as word characters, as whitespace characters (as in EPP 6), or to ignore them when double-clicking on a word to select it, or when using Ctrl+Del etc.
  • Options, Text Layout: Presets and custom selections with combination of font, reading order, cursor movement, cursor appearance, and character spacing.
  • Preferences, Cursors: Backspace unindents when Auto Indent is turned on in the Options menu. In EditPad 6 pressing backspace when there is only whitespace to the left of the cursor unindents the line when auto indent is on. Turning off this option restores the EditPad Pro 5 behavior, where backspace always deletes one character to the left of the text cursor.
  • Preferences, Cursors: Option to make arrow left and right move the cursor at the left/right edge of the selection and clear the selection (like Notepad does) instead of moving the cursor left/right one character and clearing the selection (like Wordpad does).
  • Preferences, Cursors: Smart End key.
  • Preferences, Editor: Automatically turning on "selection only" when pressing Ctrl+F with a selection that spans multiple lines is now an option.
  • Preferences, Editor: Choice to make Options|Visualize Line Breaks indicate the actual line break style for each line rather than using the same paragraph symbol for all line breaks.
  • Preferences, Editor: Double-clicking a word instantly highlights all occurrences of that word.
  • Preferences, Editor: Option not to show paragraph markers in selected blocks when Options|Visualize Line Breaks is turned off.
  • Preferences, Editor: Option to always highlight the active line, even when the editor does not have keyboard focus.
  • Preferences, Editor: Option to disable drag-and-drop editing as some people find it a little to easy to made inadvertant changes while clicking about with the mouse.
  • Preferences, Editor: Option to make Ctrl+Wheel change the font size (zoom) instead of scroll one page. Zooms individual edit boxes without changing the font in the text layout configuration.
  • Preferences, Editor: Paste whole lines. If whole lines of text are copied (including the line break at the end of the last line), pasting inserts the lines before the active line rather than into the middle of the line if there is no selection.
  • Preferences, Mail: TLS and SSL support for sending mail.
  • Preferences, Open Files: Default folder for projects, independent of default folder for files.
  • Preferences, Open Files: Option to automatically reload all modified files when switching from another application to EditPad, instead of just the active file.
  • Preferences, Open Files: Option to automatically reload local files, but not network files.
  • Preferences, Panels: Change the font and colors used by the side panels.
  • Preferences, Save Files: Backup option to add the date and time as an extension.
  • Preferences, Save Files: Option to specify a specific folder to create all backup files in.
  • Preferences, Save Files: Quick backup option that moves files and saves a new file (like EditPad Pro 6), vs. an overwrite option that makes a backup copy and overwrites the original file (like EditPad Pro 4 and 5). The key difference is that while the former option is faster, only the latter will guarantee that the file saved keeps all of its file attributes. Particularly if the file is on a non-Windows system this will make a difference, as EditPad cannot control the file attributes like UNIX file ownership that Windows does not control.
  • Preferences, Save Files: Single backup appending ~.
  • Preferences, Statusbar: Hexadecimal character offset in bytes from the start of the file.
  • Preferences, Statusbar: Last modification date of the file on disk.
  • Preferences, Statusbar: Number of characters in the selection. This will give a different result than the number of bytes indicator for multi-byte and Unicode encodings.
  • Preferences, Statusbar: Separate column indicators that show the visual column (as in EditPad 6), the character position (counting code points, including combining ones and a tab being one code point), and the byte position (counting bytes in the file's encoding). The first one counts the visual line, while the other two count the whole paragraph.
  • Preferences, Statusbar: Separate line indicators that show the visual line (counting wrapped lines) and the physical line or paragraph (ignoring wrapped lines).
  • Preferences, System: Limit the amount of memory used by the undo history for each file and for all files.
  • Preferences, Tabs: Font.
  • Preferences, Tabs: Option to add new tabs at the end instead of to the right of the active tab.
  • Preferences, Tabs: Option to have an X button directly on each tab.
  • Preferences, Tabs: Use most recent order when switching tabs with Ctrl+Tab.
  • Print preview: Checkbox to toggle printing of line numbers, independent of showing them in the editor.
  • Print preview: Checkbox to toggle visualizing spaces and line breaks, independent of the editor.
  • Print preview: Select any of the color schemes defined in the Color Preferences, and remember the selected scheme in relation to the one used for the editor.
  • Project, Add to Project: Add files to the managed project: the active file, all outside files, files from disk.
  • Project, Add to Project: Drop-down menu that lists the files that were recently part of the project, but were removed.
  • Project, Close All Files Outside Project: Close all the files that are open in the project but weren't added to the project.
  • Project, Delete Project: Close the project and delete the .epp file with or without deleting the files in the project.
  • Project, Export File List: Save a text file with the list of files in the project.
  • Project, Import File List: Select a text file that is a list of file names, and open all the files listed in that text file in the current project or in a new project (or add them to the project without opening them).
  • Project, Managed Project: Opening and closing files does not automatically add them to or remove them from managed projects, so files can be closed and opened without unintended consequences.
  • Project, Open Folder: Choice to open the files into the current project, to add them to the current project without opening them, open them in a new project, or add them to a new project. Remember this setting as part of the Reopen Folder menu.
  • Project, Reload from disk: Reload the project and all files in it from disk.
  • Project, Remove Closed Files: Rid the managed project of all files that were closed but are still part of the project.
  • Project, Remove from Project: Close the file and remove it from the (managed) project.
  • Read Only: File, Open and Project, Add to Project have a read-only checkbox to open files as read-only without ever trying to obtain write access, so write access is never denied to other applications.
  • Read Only: Toggle read only status via an item in the context menu of a file's tab.
  • Search, Favorites: Allow meaningful names to be assigned to the favorite search terms, particularly regular expressions.
  • Search, Instant Highlight: Automatically highlight all occurrences of the selected text.
  • Search, Inverted Line by Line: Match lines that do not contain the search term.
  • Search, Line by Line: Search each line separately, and select the entire line if it contains the search term.
  • Search, List All Matches: Display all search matches in a side panel with one line of context.
  • Search, Toggle Search Panel: Toggles the visibility of the search panel, without changing the search text.
  • Search: A progress bar now appears for long searches, allowing the search to be aborted.
  • Search: Cut or copy all search matches to the clipboard.
  • Search: Option to search through closed files when using managed projects.
  • Search: Placeholders %MATCH%, %MATCHN%, %LINE%, %LINEN%, and %FILE% with padding and arithmetic options.
  • Search: Search files on disk, opening files that are found and/or listing matches in a search panel.
  • Search: Search toolbar can now be used shown with or without the full search panel with multi-line search and replace edit controls. Small search and replace boxes appear on the toolbar when the search panel is hidden.
  • Side panels can now be docked anywhere and made to float.
  • Tabs: Holding down the Control button on the keyboard while clicking the X button on the tabs or pressing down the mouse wheel closes the tab without saving the file.
  • Tip of the day: Previous Tip button.
  • Toolbar and Menus: Side panel commands can now be added to context menus and the main toolbar.
  • Toolbar and Menus: The main menu, all the toolbars and most of the context menus can now be configured by right-clicking and selecting Configure, allowing all items to be rearranged and unused items to be removed.
  • Toolbar and Menus: Toolbars can now be docked anywhere or made to float.
  • Tools, Files: Replace the contents of the current file with the temporary file after running the tool, and allow this to be undone with the Undo command.
  • Tools, Message Panel: Item in the Tools menu to move keyboard focus to the message panel or to make it visible again if it was closed after running a tool; appears only after running a tool that uses the message panel; can be assigned a keyboard shortcut.
  • Tools, Message Panel: Right-click menu item to turn word wrap on or off.
  • Tools, Standard I/O: Capturing standard output for a tool that is a URL makes EditPad download the page pointed to by the URL instead of opening it in the default web browser.
  • Tools: Allow any environment variable to be used on the command line with the %VARIABLE% syntax.
  • Tools: Allow two tools to have the same shortcut key if they are restricted to different file types.
  • Tools: Custom placeholders that EditPad prompts for when running the tool.
  • Tools: Multiple tools can now be selected at the same time in the tool configuration screen and any changes made in the tool configuration screen are applied to all selected tools.
  • Tools: Separate toolbar showing all the tools that apply to the file type of the active file.
  • Unicode file name support.
  • Unicode signature (BOM) status bar indicator, and an easy way to toggle writing the BOM for individual files.
  • View, Hexadecimal: Options to show only the hex section, only the ASCII section, both in each view, or (when the editor is split) one in each view.
  • View, Joint Scrolling: When the editor is split and one half is scrolled, the other half is scrolled automatically to either maintain the same scrolling distance between the two views, or to make the the second half show the lines right after those in the first half.
  • View, Other Editor Joint Scrolling: If there is more than one EditPad instance, send scrolling messages to all other EditPad instances that have joined scrolling turned on so they'll all scroll to the same position. This allows files to be compared side-by-side.
  • View, Split Editor: Split the editor horizontally, vertically, or floating so two parts of the same file can be visible at the same time.
  • Set font size adjustment to zero, and extra line spacing to 1 pixel to emulate EditPad 4.


  • Block, Duplicate now duplicates the current line if there's no selection instead of doing nothing.
  • Block|Write and Block|Append have been renamed to Block|Write to File and Block|Append to File for clarity.
  • Convert|Line Breaks<->Wrapping, Single<->Double Spacing, and Tabs<->Spaces now work on the current selection only if there is a selection.
  • Convert|Text Encoding: Converting from Unicode or any of the other legacy Vietnamese encodings to Windows 1258 now decomposes characters so that Vietnamese characters that are represented with combining marks in Windows 1258 are properly converted.
  • Create Portable Installation: If a PortableApps folder exists, install into a subfolder of that folder instead of into a subfolder in the root of the drive.
  • Drag and drop: Bring EditPad to front when dropping a file or text onto it.
  • Drag and drop: Drag URLs as URLs rather than as text, so they can be dropped on a web browser to open them.
  • Drag and drop: Dragging a tab now shows an image of the tab while dragging.
  • Drag and drop: Dragging and dropping text onto the selected text (e.g. from the main editor onto the selected search term after opening the search panel) now replaces the selected text rather than inserting the dropped text in the middle of it when not using persistent selections.
  • Edit|Delete Line: Do not move the cursor to the start of the line.
  • Edit|Redo: The keyboard shortcut for Redo was changed to Ctrl+Y to be more in line with other Windows applications. You can change it back to Ctrl+R via Options, Preferences, Keyboard.
  • Editor: Moving the cursor up and down when using a proportionally spaced font now maintains the horizontal pixel position instead of the column position of the cursor.
  • Editor: Tabs now line up correctly when using a proportionally spaced font.
  • Editor: The mouse pointer is now updated when the text scrolls underneath it (e.g. to change to a hand pointing at a link).
  • EditPad 7 runs side by side with EditPad 4, 5, and 6 instead of reactivating a running instance of EditPad 4, 5, or 6 like those versions do. EditPad 7 only reactivates EditPad 7 instances.
  • Eliminated 3d sunken border as to put the scroll bar against the edge of the screen if EditPad is maximized, making it very easy to hit with the mouse.
  • Exit item is now at the bottom of the right-click menu of EditPad's icon next to the system clock for consistency with other Windows applications.
  • Extra, Live Spelling: Delayed syntax coloring now also works when live spelling is enabled. If syntax coloring hasn't reached the visible part of the (very large) file yet, it is displayed immediately without syntax coloring and without live spelling until syntax coloring catches up rather than waiting for syntax coloring to catch up.
  • Extra|Delete Duplicate Lines: Options what to delete: 1st occurrence of duplicate lines, 2nd and following occurrences of duplicate lines, and/or non-duplicated lines.
  • Extra|Statistics: Total character count, including spaces.
  • Favorites: Adding a the Favorites item to a context menu list the favorites in a submenu in the same way the Favorites items in the File and Project menus do.
  • Favorites: Preserve the size and position of the Organize Favorites screen.
  • File Panel: Collapsed folders stay collapsed when opening and closing files in other folders.
  • File Panel: Dramatically improved performance when having thousands of files open.
  • File Status: Remember the file type if it was changed via Options|File Types.
  • File Status: Remember the file's encoding so Convert|Text Encoding doesn't have to be used each time you open a particular file that doesn't use its file type's default encoding.
  • File Types, Colors: HTML syntax coloring can now match up HTML tags if you turn on bracket matching.
  • File Types, Colors: Make the color for links configurable.
  • File Types, Colors: The bold, italic, and underline checkboxes are now hidden for items on which they have no effect.
  • File Types: Eliminated the distinction between core file types and other file types, so all file types can be reordered or deleted.
  • File Types: Exporting file types saves all selected file types into a single .ini file.
  • File Types: Importing file types now asks if file types that are already in the list should be replaced or not if some are determined to be duplicates (only works with file types exported from EditPad 7).
  • File, New: Automatically number untitled files.
  • File|Reload from disk: Auto-detect the file type based on the contents of the reloaded file if the file is using the "any file" file type.
  • File|Reopen: Add files when closing them, and remove them when opening them, to make the Reopen menu an easy way to retrieve accidentally closed files instead of a list of recently opened files that mostly shows files you have already open at the top.
  • File|Reopen: Preserve the size of the Maintain History List window.
  • Fold: When copying, pasting, duplicating or moving blocks of text that included folding ranges, copy/paste/duplicate/move the folding ranges along with it.
  • Folding icons in the margin now become larger when you select a larger font.
  • Go, Back and Go, Forward move back and forward between files in the order they were last edited. These replace View, Previously Edited File which rotated through the last 5 files.
  • Hex: Typing into the hexadecimal section replaces the selection when not using persistent selections, just like typing into the ASCII section does.
  • HTML meta tag check for determining the file's encoding now supports the new HTML5 charset meta tag. <meta charset="iso-8859-15"> must be in the first 512 bytes of the document.
  • Keyboard: Do not use default keyboard shortcuts with Ctrl+Alt+letter if a keyboard layout is installed that uses AltGr, to prevent conflicts between Ctrl+Alt+letter and AltGr+letter.
  • Keyboard: Tab key respects overwrite mode and replaces the next character(s) with the tab or its equivalent in spaces.
  • Keyboard: When expanding a selection with Shift+Up/Down, select everything to the start/end of the file when up/down is pressed with the cursor already on the first/last line. Moving the cursor away again from the first or last line restores the cursor's previous column position.
  • Mark: Associate bookmarks with a character position rather than with a line so the bookmark can point to the middle or the end of a line instead of always pointing to the start of the line.
  • Mark: Bookmark icons are now displayed using the same font as the file you're editing, so they don't appear tiny on high resolution screens.
  • Mark: Support bookmarks in hexadecimal mode.
  • Mouse: Double-click on spaces to select a run of spaces, just like double-clicking on a letter selects words.
  • Opening a file via Windows Explorer (or any other application) should place the tab for the new file after the tab for the current file, instead of at the end. The File|Open menu item in EditPad does the same. Closing the new file then reactivates the previously edited file.
  • Paste: In Overwrite mode, pasting text should overwrite just like typing text does.
  • Preferences, Import: Preferences exported by previous versions of EditPad can be imported.
  • Preferences, Open Files: Upper limit for the huge file threshold setting was doubled to 100 MB.
  • Preferences, Save Files: If both the options to save working copies and to save the workspace are enabled, the workspace should be saved at the same interval rather than only upon shutting down EditPad Pro.
  • Preferences, Save Files: Turning on the option to automatically save working copies every few minutes now causes EditPad Pro to save working copies and leave them behind instead of prompting to save when you shut down Windows while EditPad has unsaved files open.
  • Preferences, System: The option to save settings into an .ini file instead of the registry has been removed. EditPad now always uses an .ini file. On some systems, EditPad took a long time to close, possibly due to anti-spyware software checking registry writes, making them very slow.
  • Print: Do not automatically change the plain text color to black on white. Print with the same colors as used in the editor, unless another scheme is selected for the printout.
  • Project, Favorites: The Add Files button on the Organize Project Favorites screen was replaced with an Add Projects button that only allows projects to be added.
  • Project, Managed Project: Allow the same file to part of more than one open managed project at the same time. Opening the file in one project automatically closes it in the other projects, but without removing it from those projects. Changes made to the file automatically appear in all projects that the file is part of.
  • Project, Managed Project: Do not automatically remove files that no longer exist from managed projects but treat them as closed files.
  • Project, Reopen: Add projects when closing them, and remove them when opening them, to make the Reopen menu an easy way to retrieve accidentally closed projects instead of a list of recently opened files that mostly shows projects you have already open at the top.
  • Project: Store relative paths to files that are on the same drive as the .epp file but not in a subfolder of the .epp file.
  • Read Only: Files forced to be read-only via the status bar indicator or the Open File dialog checkbox do not lose their read-only status when reloading from disk.
  • Read Only: Projects now preserve the read only status of files forced to be read-only via the status bar indicator or the Open File dialog checkbox.
  • Reload from disk prompt now has a button for closing the file.
  • Search, Highlight: Delayed syntax coloring now also works when search matches are highlighted. If syntax coloring hasn't reached the visible part of the (very large) file yet, it is displayed immediately with highlighted matches but without syntax coloring until syntax coloring catches up rather than waiting for syntax coloring to catch up.
  • Search, Highlight: Highlighting multi-line search matches (which require the whole file to be scanned from the top rather than just the visible part) is now done in a background thread. If match highlighting hasn't reached the visible part of the file yet, it is displayed immediately without search matches until highlighting catches up, rather than waiting for all the matches to be found.
  • Search, Highlight: Highlighting of search matches is now updated instantly as you type in the search match instead of after a fixed 2-second delay.
  • Search, Highlight: Highlighting search matches no longer temporarily disables live spelling.
  • Search, Instant Find now works in hexadecimal mode too.
  • Search: Alt+Letter mnemonics for search options that take priority over main menu items when the search panel has keyboard focus.
  • Search: Correctly interpret bytes 80..FF when searching using a regular expression in hexadecimal mode.
  • Search: Ctrl+F starts the search if the search box already has keyboard focus.
  • Search: Option checkboxes have been replaced with toolbar buttons.
  • Search: Pressing Tab in the Search or Replace box in hexadecimal mode now cycles between the hex and ASCII sections of both the Search and Replace box.
  • Search: Remember the visibility of the search panel and its size between EditPad sessions.
  • Search: Selecting Remove All in one of the history menus now clears all 3.
  • Spell check: The replacements added to the user word list now take precedence over the main dictionary. This allows you to delete words from the dictionary by adding an automatic replacement for that word.
  • Status bar: Show large numbers such as file sizes with thousand separators.
  • Tools: Exporting tools saves all selected tools into a single .ini file.
  • Tools: File type associations are now remembered independently of the order of the file types in the file type configuration.
  • Tools: The message panel now gets keyboard focus when you run a tool so you can navigate it with the keyboard or instantly close it with the Esc key.
  • Undo: Changes made before and after saving a file now always result in separate items in the undo history, so there is always a way to undo to the point of each save. E.g. type "foo", save, type "bar", undo removes "bar" instead of "foobar".
  • Undo: Restore folding ranges when restoring deleted text.
  • View, New Editor: How the new editor is opened can now be configured in a submenu of the View, New Editor command rather than via the Preferences screen.
  • View, New Editor: Starting a new editor that splits the current editor now resets the size of the original editor when the new editor is closed and the original editor was not resized after the new editor was started.
  • Vista & 7: EditPad now scales itself instead of letting Windows handle the scaling when the font size in Windows has been increased by more than 125% (i.e. the display resolution is more than 120 DPI) resulting in a much crisper appearance of EditPad.
  • When EditPad is closed while maximized on a multi-monitor system, it now remembers which monitor it was maximized on in addition to being maximized.
  • Windows 7: Long operations that show a popup window with a progress meter now also indicate the progress on the taskbar button.


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Bukkollaider 22/05/11 Просмотров: 3865