Stereo Tool 6.10 + Plugin for Winamp

Stereo Tool - звуковой плагин, предназначенный для манипуляции качеством звука и может быть установлен в качестве отдельного плагина для Winamp или в качестве отдельного звукового плагина для Windows. Внешний вид плагина, представляет из себя панель управления звуком с множеством настроек и регуляторов для настройки звука. Кроме того, в плагине имеются предустановленные пресеты для быстрой настройки качества звучания. Основное предназначение плагина – усиливать даже слабый сигнал при прослушивании FM-радио и MP3-треков в низком качестве. С этой целью автор включил в программу более 30 предустановок на все случаи жизни. Кроме того, плагин позволяет конвертировать стерео в моно без потери качества звучания.

Возможности программы:
- Улучшение стерео звучания
- Двухполосный ограничитель
- 10-полосный компрессор/ограничитель
- 10-полосный клиппер
- 10-полосный эквалайзер
- 4 уровневый выходной ограничитель
- Экстра громкость
- FM стерео кодирование
- FM RDS кодирование
- Изменение настроек с помощью встроенных пресетов
What's New in This Release:
Reduced latency:
- Latency: ASIO: Add processing priority control to enable very low sound card latency (~ 1-3 ms) without hiccups; total latency of ~ 16 ms possible.
- Latency: Upsampling (for FM) and downsampling (for high input sampling frequencies) no longer causes extra latency.
- Latency: Reduced Composite Limiter latency from 1.7 ms to 0.9 ms at latencies 512 and 1024. Some (very small) effect on audio.
- Latency: Found a bug that caused hiccups in audio processing, fixed it. Results in lower possible latency.
- Latency: Pushing data to the output before the processing instead of afterwards to reduce latency.
- Improved audio quality at low latencies:
- Dynamically adjusting audio processing windows at low latencies to better match the type of audio that comes in.
- Dynamically adjusting clipping effectiveness to avoid clipping 'too much' in certain conditions, depending on audio processing window and audio content. This protects soft highs against horrible vibration caused by bass sounds at latency 512 and (less) 1024.
- Upsampling and downsampling: Far less artifacts caused, far cleaner output signal.
- Created alternative Phase Rotation filter for low latencies (512, 1024).
- Multiband: Added an 'artifact protection' step that limits the maximum difference in reduction between adjacent bands, if they cause too much (configurable) artifacts.
- Multiband: Adapted frequency bands and band content to make Multiband at latency 512 sound as much as possible as higher latencies.
- Loudness: Disabled Improved Bass Distortion Protection filter for latency 512 because it caused distortion.
- Loudness: Fixed vibrations caused by Very deep bass distortion protection at latency 512 and 1024. Now also enabled for latency 512.
- Hard Limit: Fixed (minor) artifacts in upsampled audio.
- Bass Boost: Reduced artifacts at latency 512. Note: Using a less steep filter (bigger difference between frequencies) helps!
Other changes:
- Loudness: Improved Punch filter: Now causes far less artifacts than before. But it is less effective for soft sounds.
- Loudness: Removed distortion caused by Punch.
- Bass Boost: Removed distortion.
- Quality and Latency are now part of presets, and STS files.
- Bug fix: Loading and saving Noise levels in VST version resulted in incorrect behavior.
- Bug fix: Displayed Multiband output levels were unreliable at low latencies, especially clipping.
- Bug fix: For high input sample rates, now removing very high frequencies that cause issues with Hard Limit.
- ASIO: Added ASIO Configure button, which allows setting ASIO parameters such as ASIO buffer granularity.
- ASIO: Changed buffer size configuration to match whole ASIO grains.
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