Recover My Files

Recover My Files - программа позволяет восстанавливать файлы, удаленные через Корзину в операционных системах Windows или потерянные в результате форматирования диска, удаленные вирусами или стертые из-за неожиданного сбоя в работе ПК. Утилита проста в использовании, не требует тонкой настройки, может восстанавливать данные на жестких дисках, дискетах, zip, compact flash, smart media или любом другом съемном устройстве хранения данных. Recover My Files может работать с файловыми системами: FAT 12, FAT 16, FAT 32 и NTFS.

Recover My Files is the perfect recovery tool for:
- Hard drives
- USB drives
- External storage units
- Digital camera storage media
- CDs and DVDs
Recover My Files V4 supports recovery from a wide range of Filesystems:
- FAT16 - an early version of the FAT Filesystem, now rarely used
- FAT32 - common for external storage media and digital camera equipment
- exFAT - (Extended File Allocation Table), a proprietary file system suited especially for flash drives
- GPT - GUID Partition Table, a standard for the layout of the partition table on a physical hard disk
- NTFS - Standard files system for Windows Vista, Windows 7
- CDFS - CD/DVD file systems (Coming Soon)
- MAC - HFS (Coming Soon)
- EXT2 - Linux (Coming Soon)
- RAID - RAID JBOD, 0, 1, 5, hardware and software

Recover My Files data recovery software will find any type of file, but includes specific support for more than 300 file types in the following broad categories:
- Recover deleted email
- Recover deleted documents
- Recover deleted archives
- Digital Photo recovery
- Recover deleted music and video
Recover My Files is compatible with Windows 98/ME/2000/2003/XP/Vista and Windows 7 and works with FAT 12, FAT 16, FAT 32, NTFS and NTFS5 file-systems.
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