
The Kinks — One For The Road (1987)

Rock | flac, stereo
Общее время звучания: 00:51:13

01. The Road — [06:20]
02. Destroyer — [04:10]
03. Apeman — [02:09]
04. Come Dancing — [03:48]
05. Art Lover — [03:48]
06. Clichés of the World (B Movie) — [05:17]
07. Think Visual — [02:03]
08. Living on a Thin Line — [04:31]
09. Lost and Found — [04:22]
10. It — [06:55]
11. Around the Dial — [03:39]
12. Give the People What They Want — [04:05]


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Artem777 28/07/09 Просмотров: 1514