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Portable SciTE 1.79 .66 ru

SciTE — кроссплатформeнный (Win32 and X) текстовый редактор с открытым исходным кодом.
Компактный и быстрый, со множеством гибко настраиваемых возможностей:
- подсветка синтаксиса для огромного количества языков программирования;
- подсказки по синтаксису и авто-дополнение;
- фолдинг для классов, функций и структур;
- многоязычный (в т.ч. русский) интерфейс;
- поддержка Unicode;
- экспорт в форматах HTML, RTF, PDF, LaTeX, XML;
- возможность подключения внешних программ и скриптов;

Сборку Ru-Board отличают следующие особенности:
• Доработанный код
• Полностью русифицированный интерфейс
• Возможность работы с кодировкой DOS-866
• Частично русифицированный HELP
• Нестандартная структура
• Оригинальные файлы конфигураций
• Подключены полезные скрипты.

Что нового в SciTE 1.79 .66 ru:
* Новое ядро программы с многочисленными доработками
* Новые и обновленные скрипты и настройки...

SciTE 1.79
• Released on 1 July 2009.
• Memory exhaustion and other exceptions handled by placing an error value into the status property rather than crashing. Scintilla now builds with exception handling enabled and requires exception handling to be enabled.
This is a major change and application developers should consider how they will deal with Scintilla exhausting memory since Scintilla may not be in a stable state.
• Deprecated APIs removed. The symbols removed are:
• Cocoa platform added.
• Names of struct types in Scintilla.h now start with "Sci_" to avoid possible clashes with platform definitions. Currently, the old names still work but these will be phased out.
• When lines are wrapped, subsequent lines may be indented to match the indent of the initial line, or one more indentation level. Feature #2796119.
• APIs added for finding the character at a point rather than an inter-character position. Feature #2646738.
• A new marker SC_MARK_BACKGROUND_UNDERLINE is drawn in the text area as an underline the full width of the window.
• Batch file lexer understands variables surrounded by '!'.
• CAML lexer also supports SML.
• D lexer handles string and numeric literals more accurately. Feature #2793782.
• Forth lexer is now case-insensitive and better supports numbers like $hex and %binary. Feature #2804894.
• Lisp lexer treats '[', ']', '{', and '}' as balanced delimiters which is common usage. Feature #2794989.
• It treats keyword argument names as being equivalent to symbols. • Feature #2794901.
• Pascal lexer bug fixed to prevent hang when 'interface' near beginning of file. Bug #2802863.
• Perl lexer bug fixed where previous lexical states persisted causing "/" special case styling and subroutine prototype styling to not be correct. Bug #2809168.
• XML lexer fixes bug where Unicode entities like '&—' were broken into fragments. Bug #2804760.
• SciTE on GTK+ enables scrolling the tab bar on recent versions of GTK+. Feature #2061821.
• SciTE on Windows allows tab bar tabs to be reordered by drag and drop.
• Unit test script for Scintilla on Windows included with source code.
• User defined menu items are now localised when there is a matching translation.
• Width of icon column of autocompletion lists on GTK+ made more consistent.
• Bug with slicing UTF-8 text into character fragments when there is a sequence of 100 or more 3 byte characters. Bug #2780566.
• Folding bugs introduced in 1.78 fixed. Some of the fix was generic and there was also a specific fix for C++.
• Bug fixed where a rectangular paste was not padding the line with sufficient spaces to align the pasted text.
• Bug fixed with showing all text on each line of multi-line annotations when styling the whole annotation using SCI_ANNOTATIONSETSTYLE. Bug #2789430.


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punsh 13/07/09 Просмотров: 3695